Why Clearing a Drain Stoppage is a Job for the Professionals

by | Apr 16, 2013 | Plumbing

You’re brushing your teeth and the sink doesn’t drain. You hop in the shower only to find yourself standing in inches of water. Most of us have experienced a drain stoppage at one point or another. With all the abuse your piping takes, it’s no surprise that you experience a clog here and there. When your drains begin to slow down or completely clog, it’s time to call a professional plumber. Many homeowners find that doing the job themselves only leads to more frequent clogs. Here you’ll find several important reasons to hire an expert to properly clean your drain.

The Right Equipment
Not all homeowners have the right equipment to clear a drain stoppage. Lakeland FL plumbers have access to a wide range of professional plumbing equipment that can get the job done fast and efficiently. From pipe snakes to chemical pipe cleaners, plumbers can remove even the largest clogs in a single visit. Many plumbers have video monitoring systems that allow them to visually see the clog to ensure that it’s removed in its entirety.

From Bad to Worse
Many homeowners think that they can tackle a home improvement job like plumbing, only to find the situation going from bad to worse. When you don’t know what you’re doing, you could cause permanent damage to your drain, pipes or plumbing system. Using the wrong type of chemical to clear out a clog can also cause irreversible damage as the chemicals eat away at the pipes and other components.

Experience Is Crucial
Only professional plumbers have the experience, training and skillset to safely and properly remove clogs and fix plumbing systems. They can also offer friendly advice on how to prevent future clogs from occurring and safe ways to clean your drains regularly to prevent a buildup of debris. Consider experience as a vital factor when deciding to hire a professional.

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