Three Important Aspects of Pool Maintenance in Houston

by | Jun 4, 2018 | Swimming Pool

Owning a home with a pool is a big responsibility and expense. To keep the pool in good condition and save money in the long run, it is imperative to provide it with regular maintenance. While pool maintenance is possible for a homeowner to do on their own, it is often easier and a better choice to hire a company to perform the maintenance to ensure it is done correctly and regularly. Three important aspects of Pool Maintenance in Houston are water circulation, water chemistry, and water cleanliness.

Pool Water Circulation

One important aspect of pool maintenance is making sure there is sufficient water circulation. A pool pump is responsible for water circulation in the pool. A filter is responsible for removing small contaminants from the water. Ideally, a pool’s pump would be run all the time to ensure that the water is circulated properly and the contaminants are removed by the filter. However, since this is not always feasible, a professional can help determine the best schedule for running the pump.

Pool Water Chemistry

Another important aspect of pool maintenance is making sure the water chemistry is correct. Alkalinity, pH, and chlorine levels are all dictated by the amounts and types of chemical added to the pool water. Before adding any chemicals, baseline readings should be taken. Then the amounts and types of chemicals to be added to achieve or maintain the desired levels can be determined. A professional can help in making the determinations.

Pool Water Cleanliness

A third important aspect of pool maintenance is keeping the water clean. One way to keep pool water clean is to ensure that the water is properly circulated. However, sometimes a pool needs a little bit more attention. Pool vacuums are a popular way to remove debris from the bottom of a pool. Using a net to skim debris from the top of the pool water is also very effective.

Cryer Pools can provide Pool Maintenance in Houston. All aspects of pool maintenance are addressed, including water circulation, water chemistry, and water cleanliness. Most services are provided weekly, and a few are provided monthly. Maintenance plans can be full-service or labor-only. Packages are available to fit every budget.

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