The Best Way to Hold the CobraHead Weeder and Cultivator

by | Jul 5, 2016 | Home and Garden

In the past, one of the best gardening tools you could count on was a pair of shears. The minute you saw those vile weeds snaking a tendril toward the roses or your Spanish lavender, there was no choice but to consign them to a fate delivered by those swift and terrible shears.

But that was actually harder than it sounded. It was, in fact, tedious work. These days, it’s much easier to uproot and disrupt even the smallest weeds in your backyard. That is, if you have tools like the CobraHead weeder and cultivator at your disposal.

Gardening made easier

With Cobrahead tools, you can easily pluck and kill weeds with less effort than it would have taken you if you used shears or a number of other gardening tools. With the tine designed to work like a claw, you can extract those weeds ruthlessly, all while having an easy time at it. You won’t even break a sweat. Whether you’re more comfortable kneeling down or have to stretch out your legs, you can use this tool effectively. Go for the long handle if you want to enjoy greater freedom in your movements. You won’t have to bend over or kneel when you tackle those weeds or tough soils, says CobraHead. The compact one, though, is handy when it comes to maneuvering tight gardening spaces.

A valuable tip

It’s really all in the design. The CobraHead weeder and cultivator comes with a steel blade in fingernail style. That gives it the flexibility and versatility it needs to work as though it were an extension of your hand. A tip: try to run your forefinger along the shaft of the blade. This should give you a more accurate idea of where to put your fingers for a much better grip on your tool.

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